About Us

About Berkowits

Bring hair & skin care with one click

Berkowits Hair and Skin Clinic India Private Limnited has over 27 years of experience of offering result oriented skin and hair treatments. It was the first clinic in India to introduce Permanent Hair Removal, the first to launch Hair Replacement in India and the first in NCR to launch Robotic Hair Transplant


Our products are formulated by dermatologists and focus on safe and effective hair and skin care treatment regimens. The product range has been divided into following categories 

  1. - Grow: Hair Loss Solutions
  2. - Nourish: Solutions for Dry and Damaged Hair
  3. - Renew: Anti Ageing Solutions
  4. - Radiate: Skin brightening Solutions 
  5. - Protect: For Routine Skin Care
  6. - Clear: Anti Dandruff and Anti-Acne Range 

Visit our website : https://berkowits.com

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Consult Our Celebrity Dermatologist

An Aesthetic Dermatologist (MBBS, MD, DPD (U.K), she is the Medical Director of Berkowits Hair and Skin Clinics, a chain of 20 clinics across the country. A team of more than 200 technicians and paramedical staff work under her guidance. She is a certified national trainer for Allergan, Restylane and Mint and an International trainer and KOL for Regenera Activa, progenitor stem cell treatment for hair. She is an avid educator regularly posting educational content and videos through her YouTube channel and Instagram account with more than 2 lakh followers. Author of the popular skincare book “HOW TO GET GLASS SKIN" published by PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE, she has also written more than 10 case reports, case studies and research articles on varied topics on aesthteics in national and international journals. She has also formulated multiple products in the product range of Berkowits ensuring every product has the best quality ingredients which delivers results.

Dr. Anupriya Goel

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